The Rev. David Burman
Associate Rector
Hello! I'm David Burman, the associate rector at St. John's. I was born in Toronto, Ontario (so I'm a dual citizen of Canada and the US), and I grew up in Knoxville, Tennessee (so I say "y'all" instead of "you all").
I'm a lifelong Episcopalian and went to seminary in Sewanee, Tennessee (which felt a little like going to Hogwarts - the architecture is similar, we wore gowns sometimes, and I got a Masters in Divinity, which sounds like a degree you'd get at Hogwarts).
At St. John's I spend about half my time working with our kiddos and our youth and our parents, and the other half sharing preaching, teaching, and pastoral care duties with Gia. I've loved seeing the love of God reflected in the people of St. John's and the communities around St. John's!
When not at work, I occasionally perform improv comedy at the Nest Theatre in Columbus, and I also occasionally help out at the Ohio Railway Museum here in Worthington. I love playing croquet, reading about baseball history, and learning about elephants.
Until I was 31 years old, I didn't like coffee, and I didn't understand my past self.