
Sunday Morning Forums

On most Sunday mornings between services, you can find St. John’s people gathered in Kilbourne Hall to learn, discuss, and grow together. We’re taking a fresh look at the foundations of Christian faith in 2024-25. Planned topics include What Is the Bible?, Praying in Anxious Times, Sacraments, and the Letters of Paul. Godly Play for children, Youth Roundtable for middle and high schoolers, and nursery care are offered at the same time as the forums for adults.

Our clergy manage the Adult Formation calendar. To suggest a topic, one you’d like to learn or one you want to teach, please contact Gia or David.

Weeknight Forums

Particularly during the seasons of Advent (the four weeks before Christmas) and Lent (the forty days before Easter), we gather on Wednesday evenings for adult formation. Recent topics have included Episcopal 101, Christian Ethics and Voting, a book study of Light of the World: A Beginner’s Guide to Advent by Amy-Jill Levine, and a book study of On Repentance and Repair: Making Amends in an Unforgiving World by Danya Ruttenberg. Childcare is available by advance request; please let Gia or David know that you need it.

Parish Library

The Parish Library is a modern, relevant collection of books and DVDs that support the parish in a range of spiritual, theological, and devotional interests.  Our online catalog provides remote search access to the collection; furthermore, most materials are available for loan to parishioners.

St. John’s parishioners may borrow books and dvds for three weeks. We ask that you fill out the borrower’s card in the back of the book and file the card in the Borrow box on the card catalog – alphabetically by author’s last name. When you bring the book back, retrieve the borrower’s card, replace it in the book, and put the book on the tan cart for reshelving.

Women's Retreat

Our 2023 theme was "Let your Joy be the Joy that comes from Hope to Receive all the Gifts of Grace."  Attendees discussed and journaled about what hope is, how they understood it, how they had experienced it, and how hope had brought them joy, in addition to exploring the stories of three women in the Bible: the bent-over woman in Luke 13, the widow who gave her last mite, and Mary Magdalene.

Our 2024 Women’s Retreat will take place September 27th - 28th at the Transfiguration Spirituality Center. The cost will be $100 and includes your private room, shared bath, meals on Friday evening and breakfast and lunch on Saturday. Please contact Donna DeRemer-Hissrich for more information.