
Friendship Dinner

On the second Tuesday of every month at 6:00 p.m., St. John's provides a home-cooked meal and companionship for anyone in the community facing food insecurity, loneliness, or both. Volunteers from our parish set up, prepare, and serve a family-style dinner to all who attend. Vegetarian, vegan, gluten-free, and dairy-free options are always served, ensuring that anyone who comes to our table finds food they can share. A children's menu is also available.



Churchyard Preservation Project

The St. John's Churchyard Preservation Project exists to preserve at-risk grave markers in our 220-year-old churchyard; to conduct and publish new research on approximately 350 burials; to produce a series on online and paper guides to assist churchyard visitors; and to develop churchyard use policies in consultation with the Worthington Historical Society and community allies. The team holds several workdays throughout the year to clean and reset headstones, as well as to evaluate the condition of various components of our historical grounds.


Lay Weeders

Tending St. John’s 20-plus garden beds is the ministry of the Lay Weeders. Planting, watering, weeding, discouraging foraging deer, picking up walnuts, and maintaining a beautiful, hospitable environment for humans and wildlife alike–Lay Weeders do it all! Lay Weeders work as a group every other Saturday afternoon from mid-March through late November, and individuals also garden on their own at their convenience.


At Worship


The Acolyte program at St. John's is a very important part of every worship service. Children (fourth grade and up) and adults are welcome to be part of this ministry. Our acolytes serve in the capacity of Crucifer, Altar Server, Clergy Crossbearer, Torchbearers and Thurifer. St. John's acolytes participate in lighting and extinguishing the altar candles before and following the service, carrying the crosses (and torches) during the opening and closing hymns as well as during the Gospel procession, and assisting the clergy at the Altar during the preparation of the Eucharist. In addition, Acolytes participate in several important services during the Church year, including Holy Week services, and assist with weddings and funerals, when requested. Training is provided.


Altar Guild

St. John's Altar Guild cares for all the linens, candles, Eucharistic vessels, clergy vestments, and other liturgical items used in the Eucharist and all other services. Before and after each Eucharist, baptism, wedding, and funeral, there is an Altar Guild member present. An Altar Guild member also prepares the sanctuary for worship fifty-two weeks of the year and assists the clergy in preparing for each liturgical season.

Joining the Altar Guild is an enriching experience about the liturgical traditions of the Episcopal church. All new members are provided ample training and support as they discover the intricacies of this vocation.


Flower Guild

The Flower Guild, serving under the Altar Guild, is responsible for creating the lovely fresh flower arrangements on the Altar each week. Close attention to the liturgical calendar is followed. Among the many arrangements each week are special Christmas and Easter decorations around the church and Altar.

New members are welcome. Each new member is trained and guided until they feel comfortable arranging on their own.


Lectors & Eucharistic Ministers

Lectors and Eucharistic ministers provide lay service and leadership during each of the services of worship by reading the scripture lessons, leading the people in prayers, and assisting the priests in the distribution of the Eucharist. Volunteers select dates and tasks, and a schedule is created approximately once every two months. A short individual or group training and practice session can be scheduled.



Our Ushers help our worship services run smoothly by passing out bulletins, helping everyone find a seat, passing the offering plates at the Offertory, and assisting during Communion. Two ushers serve at both Sunday Services every week, and we are always looking to grow our ranks.



Greeters help each person feel comfortable upon entering St. John's by extending a warm, caring, and sincere welcome. Greeters help identify visitors and newcomers and are prepared to answer questions about childcare, the location of restrooms, elevators, coat racks, and various areas of our campus. Greeters are scheduled for both Sunday services every week, as well as special events such as Music Series concerts.