700 High Street, Worthington, OH 43085
If you wish to make a donation to St. John’s by a stock donation or by mutual funds, please notify Christine Rees in the church office.
Gifts of stock will be entered into the “Pass Through” Account at Hamilton Capital and can be sent with the following transfer instructions:
Custodian: Charles Schwab & Co.
Account Registration: St. John’s Episcopal Church, Worthington, OH
Account Number: 8151-5169
Transfer all DTC eligible securities “Code 40” to DTC 0164
Our contact at Hamilton Capital for any questions or concerns is:
Hamilton Capital Management
Attn: Kitty Hedges, CFP, CDFA
5025 Arlington Centre Blvd., Suite 300
Columbus, Ohio 43220
(614) 273-1000
Thank you for considering St. John’s Episcopal Church in Worthington, OH!